Live Updates

One way we love catching up with everyone is through our YouTube Lives, we'll now we're also going to be streaming these directly to our facebook group (as long as those technical glitches stay away). If there are any issues you'll be able to find us over on our YouTube but we just did a quick test and it seemed to work well.

You'll probably notice that our YouTube lives are evolving. We're creating and connecting with you more! Annnnddddd we're hoping to add some really fun interactive options to the live (which we don't want to announce yet in case we can't work them out.

These are almost every Monday Morning (or Sunday night depending on where you are in the world) at around 11:45 AEST (Brisbane, Australia time).


If you want your name and comment shown on screen during the lives you can either:

  • Watch on YouTube
  • Watching on Facebook? Click this link ( to allow our Ecamm streaming software to see and post your user name and comment. When you open the link you'll need to scroll down and click the "continue with Facebook button). If you decide not to that's ok, we will be able to see your comment but not who posted It live.
  • Use #pashowandtell when posting something you've made (like a planner spread, planner setup, card, memory keeper, craft, etc).


See you next week!

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